Friday, September 27, 2013

Social Media raping our privacy

Rape is a serious issue, which really destroys lives. I think it's even worse that these people who have been raped are now becoming embarrassed by it. That doesn't make sense. They are victims and we are just piling more crap on their plate. Not only do you get violated physically, but also socially. The girl who was raped and then colored on with sharpie was humiliated. Not only did it happen, but all of her "friends" on facebook saw her naked through pictures. It's  really disgusting that people would do that. I mean how immoral can a person be to rape someone then post the pictures and evidence on facebook. She hung herself.  It took that for people to release names. She had to kill herself. God forbid people just do the right thing and make these monsters of people confess, but no we wait until they go kill themselves to do anything. I just believe we are just piling loads of crap on these victims who need proper attention. Not facebook likes of them passed out colored by sharpie. 

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